Bear King's Curves: A BBW Werebear Shifter Romance Read online

Page 12

  “Alright. Take it easy, your highness. This clan's gonna fall apart if anything happens to you.”

  I grabbed Beamer's arm and hauled myself to my feet. It didn't hurt as much to stand as I expected.

  “Bullshit. Nothing else is falling apart from here on out. Soon as I can move without feeling a tiger hanging on my back, we'll do the coronation and the engagement. All in one stroke. My people will get a whole royal family, more than just a King.”

  “Well, sir, they do like to gossip. More's merrier.”

  I slowly let my arm leave Beamer's shoulder. There. I was standing upright, and then walking across the room. It hurt, but it also felt good to move.

  Beamer matched my slow pace, following me to the door. On our way out, I looked at Hector, my new roommate for the last day.

  The old man was in for some routine test or other. Fortunately, there had been three big beds between us, and not a lot of conversation.

  “Keep well, your highness,” he said, his voice as weak and raspy as ever. “One thing you ought to know.”

  We stopped. I suppressed a growl, wondering what the hell he was getting at. Nobody understood the rush I was in.

  “What? Spit it out.” I stepped to the side of his bed, right where he wanted me.

  Hector smiled, the same nasty grin he always used on everybody.

  Forget it. He's old and decrepit. Not that it makes me want to wipe that stupid grin off his face any less...

  “I remember an old record stored away in our private archive. Blood laws. A King should only take a mate from an Alpha family in Klamath or another clan. No half-bloods allowed, or else he forfeits his line. Choose wisely, your highness. The human female has brought you far, but she can't carry you any more.”

  “Hey, come on,” Beamer whispered lightly, setting his hand on my shoulder. “Ignore this old fart. You can't let yourself get all worked up again.”

  I blew out of the chair. Nearly ripped my stitches.

  Hector exploded into a fit of mixed coughing and laughter, echoing after us as we left the hospital.

  “It's okay, King. We just gotta get you home.”

  “Damn it, keep calling me Nick. I don't give a shit what a bunch of hundred year old scrolls say. Let's go.”


  “No. The archive.” I powered on, flinging open the hospital's doors and almost flattening a short woman climbing the stairs.

  Beamer ran after me. Probably surprised at how fast and nimble I was moving. I had fire pumping in my blood. My bear whined, eager to get me alone in that ratty little backroom and tear all those old papers apart.

  “Hey! Okay, okay, we'll go there. Just what is it you think you're gonna do, Nick?”

  I sneezed. So hard the stitches in my side throbbed painfully.

  “Where the hell could it be? Hurry it up,” I growled. “I need to get back to my girl.”

  Beamer wiped the dust off his face. He was just as irritated as I was. We'd been combing Branson's cramped archive for the past hour, kicking up a small sandstorm of dust up in a room that was way too small to fit all these boxes plus the two of us.

  “Here! This one says...succubus laws?”

  “Succession laws,” I corrected, snatching the lightweight box out of his hands. “Good work.”

  Beamer stood next to me as I tore into it, rattling through old papers too long and worn to be modern. I thought Hector and the rest were kidding about scrolls.

  Not by a long shot.

  A couple tattered papers bounced across the room. I stretched out their reams, looking for the threat.

  Digging deeper, I found it, studying the old crabbed writing. The ink was faded, but I could barely make it out.

  Article One, Section Five: No King shall wed a lesser bear, skinwalker of another kind, or a human female. If he weakens his blood, then he ought to forfeit his crown for the good of his kind, and exile himself and his tarnished mate to a place where they can rut alone like the animals they are. Forever.

  “Gods! Forever...” Another growl beneath my breath.

  “What is it?”

  I pushed up and nearly fell. Beamer grabbed for me, steadying me in my rage. I kicked at the box.

  “Pick it up. Let's take this shit out back. We're burning all of it.”

  “Burning it?” His eyes were huge and questioning.

  “I'm the King. Right? Time to modernize my line after its long absence.”

  And time to wipe away every last trace of the threat looming over Lyla and I, I thought, giving Beamer a satisfactory nod as he cradled the box.

  Half an hour later, we watched the old scrolls curling in a great bonfire in the old fire pit behind the Executive Office. The paper withered in orange embers, then black, then sprayed itself into the wind each time a gust swept down.

  I poked at it with a stick, ignoring the fevered, coughing protests of the man creeping up on us.

  “Your Majesty. I see you've made up your mind about how this rule will go. New boss. Same as the old boss, yes?”

  I turned and glared at Hector. Beamer stood nervously between us, unsure whether or not I'd turn the fiery hot stick on the old man.

  “Listen here, Elder. I am the new boss, and you're gonna keep quiet about this. I know Branson let you get away with a lot to keep your support, but I don't need it. Got it?”

  The wicked gleam in his eye melted a little. I wasn't kidding around or even giving him a warning snarl. I was deadly serious.


  “I don't care how old you are. You breathe a word about this and you can join old Judy in the woods, prowling around for a new home with teeth too dull to feed yourself. At least she chose a noble exile, a good death. You haven't.”

  Hector closed his eyes, rubbing his throat to stuff down another cough. “I...want to contribute to this community.”

  “And you will. But you won't challenge my rule, and you sure as hell won't come between me and the love of my life either. Now open those wrinkled shades and tell me you understand.”

  Hector looked at me. For the first time, he wasn't just bored or kicking up amusement as a sassy old man. Unmistakable defeat shimmered in his eyes.

  “I understand. Please, just let me live out the rest of my days in peace.”

  “I will. A gift I'm happy to give to a well behaved senior citizen. That's more than you deserve after all the people you helped kill and maim with that old dead bastard.” I turned to Beamer. “Come on.”

  We walked. Hector stood behind the mansion, staring sadly into the dying fire, watching his last opportunity to stir up mischief consumed in the flames.

  Beamer and I parted ways. I headed straight for the cabin, shuffled up the three steps to my door, and planted my fist on the old wood.

  I hope I didn't wake her. Sleepy or not, I knew she'd be beautiful. I readied myself to hold her close, to stroke her hair, to give her the old box I had Beamer dig into Branson's treasure chest to find.

  “Okay, okay! I'm coming!” Lyla's voice echoed from behind the door, just a few steps away.

  She flung it open and did a double take.

  “Nick? What the hell are you doing out?”

  “Shifter's heal faster, beautiful. Doc said I was good to go a day early. Given a choice between hanging out in the hospital or returning to you and my own home...”

  She threw herself into my waiting arms. My cue to hold her close. We kissed as I pushed her inside, slamming the door shut with a rearward kick.

  Lyla moaned sweetly into my mouth. Her nails dug a little deeper into my skin, going down my back. When she raked my sides, I sucked in a deep breath and twitched.

  “Oh, I'm sorry! Does it hurt?”

  “Hurts real fucking good to have your hands on me. Don't take them away. Not even for a second.” I kissed her again, feeling her lips struggling to hold my lips and smile at the same time.

  The place was halfway cleaned up. On I pushed, leading her toward my old bedroom. I couldn't wait to sl
eep in my old bed again, besides doing a lot more than snoozing with her there.

  I twisted my neck, probing deeper, swirling my tongue around hers until she hissed with dizzy delight.

  “I know you like that,” I whispered. “Sit down on the bed. I've got something you're going to like a whole lot more.”

  Her eyes met mine, loving and unshakable as she did what I asked. I reached into my pocket, wracking my brain to make sure everything went off just right.

  Let's do human guys do this again? Down on one knee?

  I fell, lifting the little wooden box in one hand. It was strange to bow to a woman. Thankfully, Lyla was a goddess, a woman who deserved every bit of my heart's submission if that's what I needed to claim her.

  Her bright lips parted in disbelief as I held the box up to her. One push and the lid flicked open.

  “Lyla Redd, we've shared more together all these weeks than any human couple and most bears ever will. We're about to share a whole lot more with my baby growing in you. How about making it official?”

  Lyla's eyes rolled wide gently, wet and shiny as freshly polished marble. I saw the little gem reflected in her eyes, at the center of the small gold bear fixed to the ring of bone.

  I had no clue how ancient the ring was, or what kind of bone it was made from. All I knew was that it belonged to my ancestors, and she deserved to have it on her finger.

  Then a funny thing happened.

  She didn't wait for me to rise. Before I knew it, she fell toward me, squealing happily, her face red with excitement and gushing tears. I caught her, curves and all.

  I'd never been so grateful for her soft and supple flesh in my hands.

  “Yes! Yes, yes, yes...” I stopped her with the fiercest, hottest, most possessive kiss I'd ever produced.

  It stole her breath. I smiled a little behind it.


  That beautiful, world moving word echoed in my ears long after I silenced her with my needy lips.

  Time blurred. When I opened my eyes again, our clothes were off and we were on the bed, Lyla staring up at me as her hot flesh throbbed beneath me.

  She reached up, tenderly stroking the big white bandages wrapped around my abs. Her fingers went higher, across my shoulders, guiding me perfectly to her lips.

  Oh, fuck. One taste makes this all worth it. Just need to complete the engagement...

  My hips punched forward. I ignored the ache in my sides – the sharp fire in my loins was a hundred times greater – and soon I was inside her.

  “Oh! I love you, Nick. Be gentle. Not for my sake, but because we can't have those cuts on your stomach opening up again.”

  “No. I can't do that,” I said, pausing to kiss and lick at her neck. “One more thing needs to happen to make this official. It can't be gentle or quick. But it will make you come all over this cock until you can't anymore. I promise.”

  She didn't answer. Not with words.

  Lyla kissed me again, pulling me into her curves with her arms and legs, twining me deeper, deeper. Go ahead.

  Everything about her body told me to do it. So I did.

  My nibbling on her neck grew into a full blown bite. I bit her hard, almost as hard as my jaws would press, just short of drawing blood.

  She cried out in pain and surprise. Then I began to thrust, deep and hard as my love bite, and her shrill notes turned into a rough ecstasy.

  Pleasure overpowered the discomfort. It was hot, new, and exciting.

  The old bed thudded beneath us as I pummeled into her. She'd never felt so smoldering hot and wonderful wrapped around my cock, every inch of her electrified by savage uncertainty.

  I had to claim her this way. Bears were rough with their new mates for a reason, branding flesh-on-flesh, something she'd never forget to wear no matter if that ring was on her finger.

  I felt the cool bone on her hand as she pushed it into my back. Her calves locked around my legs harder, hitching a ride.

  I kissed her snowy neck, tonguing the delicate flesh sucked into my mouth. Still, I didn't let go, holding onto her the entire time, listening to the bed springs and my fated mate making the most beautiful song I'd ever heard.

  Grind your clit up into me. Right there. Come whenever you're ready, love, just as long as it's nice and hard.

  Her hips began to shake. Suddenly, she was meeting my thrusts with near equal strength, throwing herself into me again and again.

  Sweat poured down us in rivulets, merging in the hard and soft contrasts of our flesh.

  Her silk got slicker, tighter, and burned twenty degrees hotter. Finally, I let go.

  I came with her, harder than ever before, hurling my seed up to her pregnant womb. Lyla cinched her chin across my shoulder and screamed.

  We came for a whole eternity, shuddering through our spasms, rocking to the core.

  When it was over, I flopped next to her, eyeing the intense impressions left by my teeth on her pale, perfect flesh. Naturally, my eyes wandered lower. I thought about how beautiful she'd look when her stomach started to expand with our child, adding one more set of curves to her enchanted shape.

  She looked tired, surprised, and a little confused all at once. I reached out for her, gently tilting her jaw until she faced me.

  “What...what the hell was that? I could hear you screaming in my head. Telling me to come. I – I couldn't resist.”

  “We're fated mates. Don't worry, it's not telepathic or anything crazy like that. I can't read your mind. Just emotions. But when bears mate, they commune at a deeper level. I've heard humans can too, if only they learn how, and you've learned really fast here. Exactly like I expected you to.”

  She looked down, then at me. The light was back in her eyes. Right there, love wasn't invisible, wasn't hidden.

  “Jesus. Is it bad that there's something I love about that?” She asked, nibbling at her bottom lip, unsure and beautiful because of it.

  “Not anymore. They'd call you crazy in the human world for thinking any of this, let alone doing it.” I leaned in, planting one last kiss that could've set the bed on fire.

  “You mean I'm not?” She laughed.

  “Not here. You're in the clan's world now, beautiful Lyla. I fell for your crazy because it's my kind of sanity, the reason and raw emotion I need in a mate. And now that I've claimed you, you're all mine.”

  I moved my lips to hers, sealing our forever with one more irresistible kiss.

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  Arthur T. Mitchell

  If You Liked This...

  Then you'll enjoy another shifter romance with suspense, passion, and fated mates. Check out Love to Bear: A Werebear Shifter Romance.

  About This Work

  Samantha Aarons left Sioux Falls with a broken heart for a fresh start in the Montana wilds. Outside Kalispell, the native bears are strange and ferocious – especially when a hulking grizzly steps out of the woods and frightens Sam half to death.

  Werebear shifter Don Flood can't believe his incredible luck. The beautiful woman he discovers on patrol just might be his fated mate! The delicate flower faints after seeing him turn into a man, and Don sees his opportunity to charge straight into her heart.

  But love makes men do stupid, dangerous things.
/>   The Grizzly Bone Clan has a standing policy against allowing humans on their turf. Still, Don refuses to let the Elders' prejudice steal her away, doubling down on love after Sam reveals the key to the Clan's flatlining population.

  Sam soon adores the passionate, wild love of her dominant grizzly man. But Happily Ever Afters never seemed further when a wicked conspiracy threatens to scatter their fate forever.

  Can she survive becoming his mate...or will she feel heartbreak twice?

  This 41,000+ word werebear romance novel contains steamy situations and language that would make a grizzly blush! Buckle up.


  Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh!

  He tore into my sweater. There was a loud ripping sound like it was shearing clean in two.

  I didn't know where I'd find another outfit my size in the shifter world, or when someone could bring me a new one from Kalispell.

  Did it even matter? Not when I had other things on my mind.

  Strange, muscular, wonderful things.

  I stepped out of the scraps in his hands, pushing my bra clad breasts into his chest. It felt good to lose a little clothing, to be so close to this half-human Adonis on a rampage no sane woman would stop.

  More importantly, it was right. The minute I kissed him, I let go.

  My kisses were equal parts forgiveness and hunger. I had to show him I understood the beast inside him, especially when he was so repentant.